According to reports from 4 January 2021, operations at a key international liquified natural gas (LNG) project located on the Afungi peninsula in Cabo Delgado province have been suspended due to a growing jihadist threat. Most personnel from the site have been evacuated after the multibillion-dollar project, run by a French energy firm, was suspended. The decision follows a recent string of attacks near the site, including the most recent attack on 1 January against a village outside of the project’s perimeter fence; an attack on 29 December 2020 against a village located approximately 5 km (3 mi) from the project; and two attacks earlier in December against a town located approximately 20 km south of the project. Meanwhile, militant forces have retained control since August of the nearby town of Mocimboa da Praia — where a key regional port that served the LNG project is located.