On 30 March 2021, the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti issued a Security Alert, which reads in part as follows: “On Friday April 9, 2021, Djibouti will hold general elections. In the runup to April 9, it is anticipated that President Guelleh, senior government officials and other prominent party members may be holding and / or attending political rallies. Additionally, the possibility of anti-government events or protests exists. Any of these events will likely add to the increased security presence on the roadways and around the city.

“Rallies, demonstrations, and protests may occur with little notice, and even those intended to be peaceful can escalate into violence. As with any public space, there is also the opportunity for criminal elements or terrorists to target participants, visitors, or the location. If you inadvertently end up in the midst, or close to an event such as this, please reverse course as quickly and safely as possible. You should avoid areas of gatherings, protests, and demonstrations, and exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of any such events.”