On 31 December 2020, officials in South Australia state — where Adelaide is located — announced that the states will close its borders with neighboring New South Wales — where Sydney is located — as of 0001 local time on 1 January 2021 (1301 UTC on 31 December) until further notice. In addition, officials in Victoria state — where Melbourne is located — are set to close the state’s borders with New South Wales as of 2359 local time on 1 January. Limited exemptions will be in place for returning residents, essential personnel and others at the discretion of health officials. Travelers permitted to enter the states must observe a 14-day self-isolation and may be required to undergo COVID-19 testing on arrival.
Meanwhile, authorities in the state of Western Australia — of which Perth is the capital — announced that the state will close its borders with Victoria beginning at 0001 local time on 1 January until further notice. Returning residents and essential personnel are exempt from the ban, but must observe a 14-day self-quarantine after arrival and undergo COVID-19 testing on day 11 of quarantine. The quarantine and testing requirements also apply to travelers who arrived in Western Australia from Victoria on or after 21 December.