On 24 April 2024, local authorities in the southern French cities of Nice and Beziers enacted nightime curfew restrictions for unaccompanied children under the age of 13 in an effort to curb the surge of youth violence. The nightly curfew from 2300-0600 local time (2200-0500 UTC) in Nice will begin on 1 May, whereas the curfew in Beziers already began on 22 April and is currently slated to continue until 30 September. Minors under the age of 13 are prohibited from traveling outdoors during curfew hours without adult supervision. Additionally, the mayor of Pennes-Mirabeau commune, located just north of Marseille, has imposed a nightly curfew during the same hours, citing rising cases of youth violence in the commune.Nighttime Curfew Introduced To Curb Youth Violence