On 11 January 2020, the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) issued updated travel advice for Kenya, which reads in part as follows:

“On 8 January Al Shabab released a public statement ‘Kenya Must Take Heed’; this states Al Shabab intent to attack tourists, including those on safari trips. It also references government institutions and military installations as potential attack targets.

“On 5 January 2020 Al Shabaab conducted an attack on a military airstrip in Lamu County, killing 3 US personnel. Travellers to Lamu Island and Manda Island should be particularly vigilant given the close proximity of these islands to the Lamu County mainland. Due to the threat of terrorism, if you travel to Lamu Island or Manda Island you should do so by air to Lamu Airport (a civilian airport on Manda Island), and not by road. The only commercial option for air travel to or from Lamu Island and Manda Island is through Lamu Airport.”